It’s no secret that running a commercial laundromat can be an extremely lucrative business, and a model that provides consistent, passive income.
It’s also no secret that labor costs as well as maintenance costs tend to be low in this industry, improving the profitability of many laundromats, as a business model.
With that said, this doesn’t mean that you should be running a laundromat without having a commercial laundry recruitment repair specialist on call.
Still, if you stick to some of these tips, you should need to call on the help of a commercial laundry equipment repair services provider less frequently.
Inspect Routinely and Know What to Check
Frequent inspections of your facility, and of the commercial laundry equipment therein, are the number one most important aspect of keeping everything running smoothly.
You can’t be on-premise all the time, and that’s to be expected. But when you do visit, inspect:
- The exterior of your washers and dryers. While this inspection is usually cosmetic, keeping the exteriors clean and rust-free will improve the look and feel of your laundromat, adding value.
- The soap dispensers. Powdered and liquid soap dispensers can become clogged up, causing corrosive damage and other serious blockages that can be very expensive to fix.
- The inlet and outlet hoses; inspect these for leaks and repair immediately. Also, disconnect and spot check regularly for sediment buildup and blockages.
- Check the seals around the washer doors. If these are degraded they can result in leaks; if they do not dry properly, they can allow mold to grow.
- Lint filters. These should be clean and clear (more on that below).
This is just a cursory list of things to inspect, but it is a good place to start.

Leave Important Notes for Customers
Since you can’t be on premise all the time, it’s important that your customers know what protocols to follow, and that any supervisory staff that are present are enforcing them as needed.
Arguably the two most important are:
- The doors of washing machines should always be left open when not in use. This allows the machine to dry out between uses and can help prevent mold growth.
- Dryer lint traps should be cleaned between every use. If not, the machine’s ducts can become occluded by lint which will pose a serious fire risk. Any supervisory staff present should inspect all lint traps throughout the day to ensure they are kept clean and lint-free.
Create a Maintenance Schedule and Stick to It; Document Service
Commercial washers and dryers, like any equipment, will need routine care and maintenance. Consult the owner’s manuals of your equipment for official manufacturer recommendations on what service to perform, then devise a schedule and stick to it rigidly.
More importantly, make sure that any and all routine service (or ad hoc service) is thoroughly documented, along with the service performed. This is not only vital to ensuring what machines have been kept up on service, but for making sure you are compliant with any warranties or guarantees that are conditional based on service.
Keep Basic Parts and Laundry Supplies Available On Site
Basic parts, like spare hoses, lint traps, and commercial laundry equipment supplies like detergent, bleach and fabric softener, should always be available for your customers to use.
Keep them on hand somewhere in the back of your facility so that either you or an employee on-site can make basic repairs or restock supplies as needed.
This will produce a superior customer experience and will aid in retention.
Keep the Facility Clean
Keeping your laundromat looking, feeling and smelling clean will produce a better customer experience and add implicit value to your business model.
No one wants to use a laundromat that feels hot, steamy, sticky, and smells moldy or mildewy. Customers want to use a facility that looks and feels modern and smells fresh – this is a laundry facility, after all.
Make sure floors and counters are dry, swept, and kept clean, as well as that the exterior of your commercial laundry equipment is kept clean as well, as advised.
Know When to Call a Commercial Laundry Equipment Repair Specialist for Help
Last but not least, have a commercial laundry equipment repair specialist on call, and know when not to put repair services off.
Even if you keep to maintenance schedules, with time, some equipment may require more advanced repairs.
Pay attention to error codes and if you have a problem with a machine, don’t put off getting it repaired. Busy periods can create bottlenecks and it’s best to ensure your entire facility is running as it should be.

Time to Look for Commercial Laundry Equipment Repair Services?
Need the help of a reputable commercial laundry repair services provider in your area? We may be able to help. For more than 75 years, Garment Machinery Company has been a trusted repair services provider for laundromats in New England. We service the top brands and offer both routine preventative maintenance services as well as advanced, comprehensive repairs.
For more information, feel free to contact us – and save our number for future use!